

Zero Waste Living for Everyday People

Are you a council ready to supercharge your waste education?

Are you looking for an engaging and interactive waste education option that isn't reliant on in-person events?
Are you interested in an easy to scale product that is grounded in the principles of behaviour change and appeals to a mainstream audience?
Do you want an initiative that will connect your community and can be tailored with local and council info and resources?

"new, easy, and cheap ways to be zero waste at home"
participant feedback

Zero Waste Living for Everyday People: a 6-week online course

Mainstream Green is super excited to launch a new online learning experience. A 6-week online course targeted at people who are beginning (or even just thinking about beginning) their waste reduction journey.

Hosted on a beautifully designed, bespoke online learning platform, the content includes pre-recorded videos, readable resources, surveys, reflections and the option of tailored local information.
To increase interactivity and a sense of connection, each course intake will include a 'live' launch event and two 'live' Q&A sessions.
Split into weekly modules, the content is drip-fed to make it accessible and give participants the chance to take action and embed learnings. 

Content covered includes:

  • Why reduce our waste? (big picture, Te Ao Māori perspective)
  • How to change our habits (motivation, behaviour change tools)
  • The basics of waste (waste hierarchy, how to recycle right)
  • Reducing waste around the home (food, bathroom, cleaning, other household 'stuff')
  • How to motivate others to reduce their waste

What do people think?

Piloted in late 2021 with Waipā District Council, the course was a great success - here's what people said...


- 100% of survey respondents would recommend the course to others
- 100% of survey respondents plan to change their behaviour as a result of doing the course

"practical advice"
"loved the resources"  
"beautifully presented"
participant feedback


"the initiative was really easy and affordable to implement.  The spaces filled up so fast, there was a huge desire from the local community to learn online.
It was another way to link back to our existing resources and I loved that it was a non-council person explaining the complexities of recycling and the real situations council face."

Sally Fraser, Waste Minimisation Officer, Waipā District Council

How does it work?

The course is hosted on a bespoke e-learning platform called Kajabi. Not only is it a beautifully designed system but it is highly functional. It handles everything from a promotional web page, to registrations, hosting content and gathering feedback and insights. It automatically drips the content out at a set time every week and has an interactive comment function. 

Content: The bulk of the content has already been created, but we will tailor the resource section to include local recycling service information, council education and other relevant links. There is also the option for us to create a bespoke module for you with a video covering local kerbside information, insights from local waste audits, and other relevant resources and info. 

Price: The course is designed to be paid for by council and offered to residents at no cost. To create a sense of value and urgency, we recommend you offer a limited number of places.
We can of course discuss the option of charging residents if you prefer.

Marketing: We will create marketing collateral for you and help identify relevant promotional partners. Given the significant value that you will be offering to your residents, we recommend the marketing comes from you. 

Launch timings: If you do not want a tailored module, the course can be launched whenever you are ready - although we recommend around 3 weeks to market and publicise the course.

Cost: There are two costs to the project:

  1. An optional fixed fee to incorporate relevant local content into the course. This would include: localised data and insights from waste audits and surveys, a bespoke video covering how to use the kerbside service, other local information and links to relevant resources. 
  2. A per-participant cost for the course. This cost would cover everything in relation to the delivery of the course including marketing collateral, admin, live sessions and course delivery.

Optional tailored module:       
$1,850 (one off fixed fee)
Per participant cost:                
Up to 50 registrations $3,000 ($60pp)
Up to 100 registrations $5,000 ($50pp)
Up to 200 registrations $7,500 ($38pp)
Other numbers available on request                                                 

Costs exclude GST.
Costs cover one intake of the 6-week course.
Registration costs are a fixed fee regardless of the number of registrations.
If the course was to be run again, only the per-participant cost would be charged (unless significant changes were needed to the local information).
Costs are subject to change, please get in contact for a full quote.

What now?

We'd love to chat to you about how we can work together to deliver the Zero Waste for Everyday People course for your community.
If you're keen to have a look around the course we can set you up with you access to the Waipā version.
Sally Fraser from Waipā District Council has also offered to chat to you if you would like any further intel from a council perspective.


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