
Waste minimisation campaigns

Plastic free July, secondhand shopping, business engagement, construction and demolition waste...
I have worked with councils on a number of waste minimisation campaigns. Campaign elements have included project design and management, content creation, behaviour change pathways and more.
Below are a couple of my favourites, but get in touch and we can chat about what you're after.

Secondhand shopping

Campaign elements

Secondhand shopping is such a simple way to keep waste out of landfill.
This campaign was designed to normalise secondhand shopping in Hamilton City. Using insights from the CBSM behaviour change framework, the campain included:

Social norms: A video featuring local personalities and secondhand stores from the region
Convenience: A collaboration with Collectors Anonymous created a Hamilton secondhand shopping guide featuring all 50 local stores
Incentives: Secondhand shoppers were rewarded with free copies of the guide when shopping in store
Social diffusion: Stores were gifted copies of the guide and encouraged to use them as giveaways and promotion - this lead to high amounts of social media engagement.

Building waste

Campaign elements

Construction and demolition waste accounts for a significant proportion of waste to landfill.
This campaign was designed to normalise waste reduction on the building site and to showcase some simple changes that those working in the industry can make.

Social norms: A video featuring a local builder on site and addressing key concerns of the audience
Social diffusion: The video was shared with key stakeholders and industry bodies to share and host.
A longer version of the video was also created to be used as an educational tool within the industry
Convenience: A resource is currently in development listing contacts, information and building waste options within the region

Let's chat

I'd love to hear about your waste minimisation opportunity and chat about how we can tackle it.
Get in touch


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